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Debunking CBD With Highline Wellness’ Email Marketing

What We Bought

Highline Wellness Anytime CBD Gummies

Date Purchased:
Coupons Used:
Black Friday
What We Bought

Highline Wellness CBD Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies

Date Purchased:
Coupons Used:
Black Friday

Highline Wellness, a new CBD-focused wellness brand, calms customer’s concerns about CBD through their educational emails. CBD is a supplement that customers may be wary of because of its associations with weed. Highline Wellness wants to change the narrative about CBD and share facts versus fiction to convert customers.

Highline Wellness’ welcome email

In their first email to customers, Highline Wellness shares what to expect when taking CBD, how to understand dosage, and when are appropriate times to use the products. They link customers to their CBD Guide which is a FAQ-based blog post that addresses any concerns for those new to taking CBD.

Highline Wellness' FAQ Email

In their follow up emails, Highline Wellness shares fact vs fiction about CBD including blog articles about what CBD is, Dosing 101, and how CBD alleviates stress

As an added bonus to their already great benefits, Highline Wellness promotes the way they make an impact at the bottom of their emails (see RTB module above), offering free donations with every purchase.

Photo Credit:

Photo courtesy of Behance.net